Pledging to St. Stephen’s


They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17:8

Rooted in Abundance…

This year’s Stewardship theme, Rooted in Abundance, is a reminder to us that we are inspired to give because so much has been given to us. This is not transactional – we do not give in proportion to how we feel we have benefitted or suffered – rather we give because of the love we have experienced in the story of our faith. During our season of Creation Care, we explored trees, roots, and flowers all as metaphors for the way we dig deep into what nourishes us to transform that goodness into work, service, and joy in a world that needs us.

The most important words to say in Church are “thank you.” Say it often, and mean it, and today we say it to you. Thank you for the many gifts that you share with our community. We can’t express our gratitude enough.


  • Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). However, the Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity.

  • A pledge is a commitment you make to God and the church to set aside a percentage of the first fruits of your labor for God’s purposes. A pledge is made out of thanksgiving for the abundance God has bestowed on us and reflects our desire to support the mission and ministry of God’s church, which includes its day-to-day operations. At St. Stephen’s, parishioner donations (along with a small amount of facility use income) is the sole source of funding. In addition to being a spiritual practice, pledging enables the Vestry to prepare a fiscally responsible budget for the coming year.

  • Anyone who wishes to support the mission and ministry of St. Stephen’s is invited to complete a pledge form at any time during the year. You do not need to be an “official” member to pledge. Typically pledges are submitted by household, but individual pledges from adults or children are welcome as well.

  • To make a pledge, please complete an online pledge form here or complete a paper pledge card (you can get one from the Parish Administrator, Matheus) and return it to the church office. Or you can mail it to:

    St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

    Attn: Treasurer

    1303 S. Bross Lane, Longmont, CO 80501

    Please plan to submit your pledge by Nov 26, 2023.

  • How much you pledge is between you and God, and is kept in strict confidence by the church Rector, Treasurer, and Bookkeeper. The spiritual practice of tithing calls for giving back ten percent of one’s income, but we hold that up as a goal to work towards, not as a requirement for giving. We recognize that household budgets are often stretched thin, and we are grateful for offerings in any amount. That being said, we encourage you to try to increase your giving by some amount each year. You can use the chart below to determine your current level of giving and to help you set a goal for future giving. Perhaps you can stretch 1% this year, or try to do so incrementally over the next year or two?

  • All money given to St. Stephen’s is put towards furthering our mission and vision. This includes:

    Creating a “Front Porch” that is planted with water-wise plants for all to come, enjoy, and feel safe and loved.

    Giving regularly to our local community outreach partners who feed, clothe, and house God’s beloved

    Creating more beauty in our world through our music program and our Children’s Choir, Bell Choir, and Adult Choir.

    Supporting our Little Free Pantry to feed our neighbors across the city

    Caring for the sacred space we gather, recharge and serve through it’s upkeep and maintenance for our community and church

    Providing training for clergy, staff, lay leaders, and ministers to enhance their work among us

    Giving a portion to the Episcopal Church in Colorado to support the greater mission and ministry of our diocese and national church

    Celebrating and lifting up our ministries of relationship, nurturing, formation in providing what they need for those who participate

A Prayer for Stewardship

Gather us together, O God, that we might share the prayers, intentions, and thanksgivings of our community.
We are generous with our gifts
Because we are Rooted in Abundance

I ask your prayers for the Church, for all who worship God this day. For our clergy, our diocesan leaders, and for our congregation. We pray especially for this season in which we celebrate our stories of leadership and our support for mission…

We are generous with our gifts of leadership,
Because we are Rooted in Abundance. 

I ask your prayers for our Nation and all nations; for refugees fleeing climate change and war; for conflicts of resources and land; for lawmakers, peacekeepers, and informed citizens. We pray for a distribution of wealth that helps the poor and the marginalized …

We are generous with our gifts of peace,
Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

I ask your prayers for the sick, the lonely, the lost, and those who grieve. We remember those on our parish prayer list, and those we name now in silence or aloud …

We are generous with our gifts of healing,
Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

I ask your prayers for those who have died, those who are dying, and those who mourn. For those on our parish list, and for those we name now in silence or aloud …

We are generous with our gifts of support,
Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

I ask for your remembrances of thanksgivings and blessings, for we are given time, talent, and treasure to share with the world …

We are generous with our gratitude,
Because we are Rooted in Abundance.

Hear the prayers of your people, Creator God. May we who are blessed by so much wealth and wisdom, share our works with a world in need. Amen.