What “More Than Enough” Means to Me

All four gospels recount the feeding of the 5,000. It must have been pivotal to the early church. I find meaning to my life in a sentence found in Matthew 14:16, Mark 6:37, and Luke 9:13. When the disciples asked Jesus, “How are you going to feed all these people,” Jesus replied, “You give them something to eat.”

Jesus realized He would not always be with us in bodily form here on Earth. To
fulfill God’s promises, we would have to carry the load. So, a boy with five loaves and two fish, along with the disciples and the sharing of the crowd, all with Jesus’ blessing, fed the 5,000 with plenty left over. More than enough!

I thank a parishioner at Holy Comforter for putting into focus what St. Stephen’s means to me. St. Stephen’s is a place where I feel at home. Where I can connect to something bigger than myself. Not being able to worship in community during Covid really brought that home to me. I suspect many of you feel the same way, and need this place as much as I do. That is why I support St. Stephen’s.

Homes require attention, time, care and upkeep, and our home at St. Stephen’s is no different. St. Stephen’s needs you just as much as you need it.

In Christ,

Chuck Cooprider